Where Can Small Business Owners Find Marketing Guidance?
Congratulations! That big idea you’ve had kicking around in your head for years is finally ready to jump out into the real world; in other words—you’re ready to take the plunge. You’re starting your small business!
Whether you’ve got a product to sell, a service to provide, or something in-between, taking those first few steps to start your own small business is a truly big deal—one you should be really proud of! It’s going to be a lot of work but you’re up for the challenge.
Of course, some challenges are more intense than others, and one of your first hurdles will be marketing. Without it, no one will know about your product, right? So where do you go to find guidance on marketing? We’re here to help with a few ideas.
The Internet
The internet is such a powerful tool; it’s weird to think businesses were ever able to get by without it in the past. You have a wealth of information out there from YouTube videos to personal blogs where people have experimented, practiced, and experienced marketing in all its forms. You can watch webinars from professionals on best practices, read articles from major business publications about changing trends, and even listen to podcasts that can teach you beneficial social media advertising “how-tos.”
Digital Marketing Blogs
As great as “the internet” is, though, it’s a behemoth. There are some truly great depths to dive to get you started. Eventually, you may start to feel overwhelmed. People may be throwing a variety of industry terms or shorthand around (what is “inbound,” anyway…?) and you may get a little lost. . .
At this point, it’s a great idea to focus your search on a particular area. Find a digital marketing blog you like, and start reading everything they have. If you go back far enough, you’ll find information on all the major topics people are talking about. You’ll be able to fill in those gaps in your knowledge, and before long, you will be up to speed to start taking advantage of some of those advanced techniques you were hearing about.
Whitepapers and E-books
Once you have the basics down, the next step is to look into some whitepapers and e-books. These are more in-depth guides that are often free for download in PDF form from company websites.
These can cover a variety of topics, which can be as simple as focusing on a basic method, like “What is inbound marketing,” or as advanced as how to implement a comprehensive digital strategy across multiple platforms including several social media tools, a blog, and email. Whitepapers are a great way to level-up your expertise.
Hire an Inbound Marketing Agency
Finally, once you’ve scoured the internet, read all the blogs, and squeezed whitepapers for every drop of information you can, you may want to consider connecting with an inbound marketing agency. These are professionals who spend their days practicing and perfecting all those strategies you’ve been reading about. They know them inside and out, and they can help you build your small business’s marketing plan with customized tactics that work the best for you and your business. The value is well worth the investment. If you’re looking to evolve your strategies to the next level, talking to professionals is the way to go.
You’ve already found this article, which means you’re well on your way to becoming a digital marketing expert! Keep up the work and your business will flourish.

CEO and Chief Revenue Scientist
Mike Lieberman, CEO and Chief Revenue Scientist
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