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    04/10/2018 |

    The Importance of Delighting Your Customers

    {}Stage four of the inbound marketing methodology is all about delighting your customers. This is all about making your customers happy and ensuring they stay loyal to your services. Haven’t figured out why it’s important? Keep reading.

    Make Your Customers Feel Cared For

    You need to show your customers you care, and an easy way to do so is by listening.

    Customers stick with the brands that listened to them. It makes them feel appreciated. Active listening is crucial to showing you pay attention to their needs. This attention makes customers feel good. See questions, concerns, and positive and negative feedback as opportunities to respond and learn from what they have to say.

    Ensure your company’s success in the future and beyond. When you listen to your customers, you’ll discover new opportunities that are worthwhile so you can build on your current relationships and improve your business at the same time.


    Expand Your Sales Opportunity

    Inbound marketing can help scale your business. Delighted customers become promoters for your brand. They’re so happy with their experience that it feels practically intuitive to share their satisfaction with others. When your customers are happy, they’ll sing your praises to friends, family, and anyone else listening online.

    This is exactly what makes delight both the final and vital step in the inbound marketing process.Happy customers have no problem talking about you to others. People take online reviews seriously, and today’s platforms, from Instagram to Yelp, have raised expectations. Users are looking for recommendations beyond their circles of friends. Satisfied customers sharing positive reviews raise your business’ credibility.

    When you’ve shown how your company is better able to solve problems and shown your customers you care about their needs, you’ll see more users advocating your business. This combination of factors demonstrates how you charmed your audience to begin with.


    Maintain Customer Loyalty

    Captivating customers ensures a commitment your brand. If they’re happy with everything you’ve done and continue to do for them, why give them any reason to leave?

    Once they become a loyal customer, you want to ensure it stays that way. Retain them with special offers, incentives, and programs. Continue to provide them with valuable information and personal treatment. These little perks remind users that your business appreciates their support.

    Maintaining your great brand, reputation, and customer service through customer engagement and delight strengthens your relationship with your followers. They’ll be happy to stay with you and share the good word about your business.

    The fourth and final stage of the inbound marketing methodology ensures you keep focusing on your customers after the sale. When users experience remarkable customer service throughout the customer lifecycle, you can guarantee they’ll spread the word of a good experience with others.


    Mike Lieberman, CEO and Chief Revenue Scientist headshot
    CEO and Chief Revenue Scientist

    Mike Lieberman, CEO and Chief Revenue Scientist

    Mike is the CEO and Chief Revenue Scientist at Square 2. He is passionate about helping people turn their ordinary businesses into businesses people talk about. For more than 25 years, Mike has been working hand-in-hand with CEOs and marketing and sales executives to help them create strategic revenue growth plans, compelling marketing strategies and remarkable sales processes that shorten the sales cycle and increase close rates.

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