Texas Business Radio Feature: The Importance Of Marketing Strategy
Eric Keiles, chief marketing officer at Square 2 Marketing, recently met with Texas Business Radio as part of its National Advisor Showcase segment.
During the segment, Eric discussed why it’s important for businesses to start thinking differently about their marketing. Many companies have been slow to change their marketing approach, often operating without a strategy that aligns with their target market’s buyer behavior.
Businesses can enhance their marketing by following three simple steps:
Step 1: Consider Your Story
As a business, telling your story is critical. You need to truly think about what makes you different than your competition and ensure you have a clear, compelling story to communicate to your prospects.
Step 2: Develop Content
Once you have identified your story, it’s time to develop content that tells that story. This content should be implemented across all channels, including (but not limited to) your website, blog, social media and even email marketing. But make sure you communicate it in a way that resonates with your prospects and is easy for them to understand.
Step 3: Promote And Measure
With an identified story and content to support it, you then need to find opportunities to get it in front of your target audience. Once you identify their watering holes, you can focus on promoting the content that is most relevant to your audience.
Regardless of the marketing format, you want to see a return on your effort, so be sure to monitor what is working and not working, and then optimize accordingly.
Check out Eric’s full interview with Texas Business Radio below:

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