S2: Ep 4 – A Deep Dive Into A Strategy For A Revenue Generation System
This show was released on February 2, 2023. To watch the show on demand, visit the show page here. To see all our audio and video content, check out our free streaming service, Square 2+.
In this episode of What’s Wrong With Revenue?, we unlock the secret to creating a revenue generation strategy that has proven successful for 20 years. Specifically, we talk in detail about personas, your Big Story, differentiation, budget setting, KPIs and resource planning, which all go into creating a strategy that produces results.
You’d never build a house without plans. You’d never attempt to beat cancer without a plan. You’d never go to war without a plan. But day in and day out people try to generate revenue without any plan or strategy.
One of the biggest takeaways from this show is the difference between strategy and planning. What does strategy really mean? What can your team do to beat the competition? How do you go about planning and executing the strategy? Planning and strategy are entirely separate tasks.
You need to understand the pains and problems your target audience is experiencing, why your personas are likely incomplete and how to fix them. We talk about why it’s important to create a persona for all the people involved from the very beginning to make for an easier sales cycle.
We cover what your Big Story should be and how to create it. It’s easier than you think, and you desperately need this for part of your strategy. While this is commonly skipped over, spending time on your own story or engaging with someone to tell the story goes a long way.
It’s crucial to connect your overall Big Story to your business. Finding the differentiators that make your business special and highlighting them is what will set you apart.
As you continue to create your strategy in 2023, remember that mapping your prospects’ buyer journeys is something you must do. How your prospects feel in the beginning is different than how they feel at the end. That feeling and perspective will change throughout their journey, and figuring out how to map it in the most efficient way will be impactful.
Lastly, in this episode we cover how to create a budget and KPIs that are aligned with your strategy. We encourage you to take time to look at the numbers, budget, dollars, time and resources. How much are you spending? Do you realistically have the right budget and metrics for the goals that you are trying to reach?
It’s one of the can’t-miss episodes of the year. To watch this episode, click here.
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If you want to watch the show and all the other audio and video content published by Square 2, visit our Square 2+ page. It’s full of valuable content related to marketing, sales, technology, revenue growth and more.

CEO and Chief Revenue Scientist
Mike Lieberman, CEO and Chief Revenue Scientist
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