This show was released on June 8, 2023. To watch the show on demand, visit the show page here. To see all our audio and video content, check out our free streaming service, Square 2+.
In this episode of What’s Wrong With Revenue?, we’re going to help you understand the differences between the four major types of campaigns available today.
If you’re running marketing, or if you’re the CEO at any small to midsized company, knowing what types of campaigns are right for your business, product/service, industry, team and budget can be very challenging.
Make a mistake here and it could set you back months, or worse, even years.
To make a strong decision around which campaigns are right for your company, we sat down with a panel of marketing strategists from Square 2 and talked it out.
Joining me on the show are Bob McCarthy, Creative Director; Kristin Stricker, President and Director of Client Services; Frank Tolkacz, Sami Nichols, Beth Woodson and Beth Shope from the client services team; and Alex Navarro, who plans all our campaign execution across our clients.
Here’s a high-level overview of how we see the difference between the types of campaigns available today:
During the show, the team of experts and I went into depth around when to use these campaigns, what expectations come with each campaign type, the data and privacy issues coming up these days and the investments required to move these campaigns forward.
It was an incredibly insightful episode and one that should not be missed.
To watch the entire episode, click here.
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