This show was released on June 1, 2023. To watch the show on demand, visit the show page here. To see all our audio and video content, check out our free streaming service, Square 2+.
In this episode of What’s Wrong With Revenue?, we’re going to help our fans understand the difference between EOS® (the Entrepreneurial Operating System) and RGS™ (the Revenue Generation System).
While EOS is a high-level business operating system that helps you with strategy, planning, vision and alignment across the organization, it doesn’t go deep enough into execution around marketing, sales and customer service. This is where RGS kicks in.
RGS is a perfect plug-in for EOS and provides tools, frameworks, workshops and guidance around the specific areas that need attention if revenue growth is at the top of your list of priorities.
While EOS gives you an Implementer to teach you EOS, RGS gives you a Coach who works with your more closely than your EOS Implementer®.
When it comes to implementing EOS, the EOS Implementers run four sessions with their clients – an annual planning session and three quarterly planning sessions. During the first few sessions they are also teaching you how to use the EOS toolkit, processes and methodologies.
RGS is a little different. Our Coaches are with you more regularly and provide more oversight and guidance along the way, especially in the beginning as you’re working on your marketing strategy, sales process and overall go-to-market plan.
There are some similarities in terms of what you should expect. Both EOS and RGS are designed to teach you a system that you can use on your own to help your company be more efficient and effective. With RGS, you get a system to generate more leads and grow your top-line revenue.
The key to both is learning the system, using the system and practicing the methodology baked into the system.
To watch the entire episode, click here.
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