Imagine this: You are getting ready to make a wonderful and carefully planned dinner. It is your favorite meal, and making it is part of the experience that you love.
Usually this meal takes you about three hours to prepare and cook, with the kids running around, the dog needing to be fed and the occasional visitor that stops by. These three hours it takes to make your favorite meal is what you are used to; in your mind it is normal and efficient.
Now imagine you are going to make that same meal a month later. But this time, the kids are at a friend’s house, your dog is getting groomed and you’ve turned your Ring doorbell to “quiet time.”
Your favorite meal that took three hours to prepare with your divided attention a month ago is now done in one hour with your undivided attention. And you are reaping the benefits so much sooner.
This is the efficiency you see when working with a dedicated team, and it is exactly why you should be asking for one from your digital marketing and sales agency.
Studies show that the human brain can’t handle more than one task at a time. Even though we think we’re multitasking, our brains are actually switching rapidly between tasks. (The Myth of Multitasking. Scientific America. 2009, July.)
This makes the case for having a dedicated team working on your marketing efforts. A dedicated team produces impactful work right away, delivering results in a few weeks instead of months.
A team will usually include a growth strategist, copywriter, editor and designer. It could also include a dedicated web development team as well as specialists in areas like paid media and SEO, depending on the project deliverables.
Your team is able to become intimately focused on your brand and goals, creating a more productive and efficient program. The result? You can get six months of work in 30 days.
A lot of time is lost when people constantly move between clients. At some agencies, people are working on six to 12 (or more) clients at once. It’s highly inefficient and not effective.
With a dedicated team, the team members touch base daily and create a symbiotic relationship to accomplish the goals. The team regularly communicates across email and Zoom to achieve the best product and ensure no time is wasted.
But it’s not just the internal team – it’s the relationship and dedication from clients as well that leads to success. When you enter a dedicated engagement, expect to meet daily with your main point of contact to provide feedback, answer any questions and ensure impediments are removed.
Here are the six key factors needed to ensure a successful engagement with a dedicated team: