How to Publish a Blog in HubSpot
Blogging is a critical aspect of business today. By consistently creating and sharing quality content, you establish your brand, generate traffic, and drive sales leads.
Businesses across all industries should blog. The benefits are nearly endless—if you don’t blog, you risk missing valuable sales opportunities.
Want to get started with blogging but not sure how to post your content on HubSpot?
Don’t worry —we’ll help you avoid any confusion when it comes to publishing blogs on HubSpot and walk you through each step of the way.
Go to the Blog Dashboard
To access the blogging tool in HubSpot, navigate to Marketing > Website > Blog.
Next, click on the Create Blog Post button in the top right corner.
You now have the option to create a blog post in draft mode or inline editor mode.
Draft mode is useful if you’re composing your post straight in HubSpot. You can focus on writing your draft and you won’t see any publishing options until you’re ready for the next step.
If you’ve created your post in a Microsoft Word document or Google Doc, however, you’ll want to select inline editor mode. You can copy and paste your blog content into HubSpot and accurately see how your post will display.
Name Your Post
Click on Your Blog Title Post Here… to name your post. Create a title that will hook your readers. Make sure it’s clear and understandable so readers know exactly what they can expect from your blog.
Keep in mind the ideal blog title length is 60 characters. Focus on keeping your title to a maximum of 70 characters (including spaces) so it doesn’t get cut off in search engine results.
Enter Your Content
To draft your blog content, hover over the body area of the post. Copy and paste your blog content and format it with the formatting menu that pops up. You can adjust the size of your headers, format your text, insert hyperlinks, and more.
Note that HubSpot will automatically include a read more separator. By adjusting the read more separator, you can control how much content readers see before they click to read your post.
Configure Your Settings
Once you’ve entered your blog post draft and are happy with the formatting, it’s time to configure your settings. Click on the Settings tab to the right of Edit.
Your blog title will appear here, and the blog URL will be entered based on your title. You can select the blog author from the drop-down menu, add tags, select the campaign, add the meta description, and add a featured image.
The featured image you choose will appear at the top of the blog post and when you share your blog on social media. Choose a relevant, high-quality, well-sized image, and avoid cheesy stock photography.
Optimize Your Blog
The next important step is to optimize your blog. Click the SEO optimization icon in the editor sidebar on the left (below the preview icon).
HubSpot will give some keyword recommendations under the This blog post is about: section, and you can enter specific keywords as well.
HubSpot will also notify you if there are any areas you need to adjust to optimize your post for SEO. It will verify that your meta description and title are the appropriate length, and that your keywords appear in the title, meta description, and blog post. It will let you know if you’ve included too many keywords and whether you need to include any more internal links.
Once you’re good to go, you can preview your post before publishing.
Click the preview icon to see what your post will look like on a desktop or mobile device, and reformat your blog as needed.
Publish Your Blog!
Now it’s the final step: time to publish or schedule your blog!
Click on the Publish or Schedule tab and decide whether you want to publish your post now or schedule it for later.
Hit the publish button in the top right corner, and you’re all set!
No more excuses for putting off blogging. HubSpot makes it easy to draft, schedule, and publish blogs.

CEO and Chief Revenue Scientist
Mike Lieberman, CEO and Chief Revenue Scientist
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