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    06/15/2018 |

    How to Optimize Your Content for Voice Search

    {}Voice search will soon be the norm. Even if typing questions into a computer never completely disappears, voice search is a new way for users to get answers quickly.

    It’s time to make sure your content is ready for voice search. Here’s how.

    Consider Voice Snippets

    You need to first understand the important role of featured snippets in relation to being the first result on a page. Next, think about how your content can fill a voice snippet. Your content should be organized and easy enough to explain. It’ll be easier for the voice assistant to read, and it’ll make sense when it’s read aloud.

    Optimize Your Website

    Although page speed hasn’t been thought to impact your chances of being the first result in voice search, having a well-oiled website certainly does. Sites that provide a better user experience rank higher online, and voice search results come from top-ranked websites.

    An outdated website is hurting your business. People want answers to their questions as soon as possible. A functioning site that’s error-free, up to date, and loads properly works better with voice search.

    Build Your Authority

    Backlinks are incredibly beneficial: They help to establish you as a reliable source. Search results on a web page feature multiple answers, but voice search only reads out one. The answer it reads should provide the correct answer—the search engine should be confident in this fact. Like a trusted website, having more backlinks online helps you get to the top of voice search results. It’ll help you get recognized as a credible source.

    Although some experts note it’s the sheer quality of material online that affects this result, wider brand authority is always a benefit.

    Simple Language Works

    Users don’t want a novel response when they ask Google Home or Alexa question. Google home, for example, selects concise answers that are easy to read and hear in response.

    We converse in a language that’s easy to understand. Apply this understanding to voice search and write copy accordingly—in a way that mimics how we already talk. When necessary, links can be mentioned after to direct users to a full page in the connecting application.

    Secure HTTPS

    HTTP-secured sites dominate voice search results. According to MozCast Feature Graph, which tracks SERP features and ranking factors, HTTPS results account for 79.8% of answers. Some will argue this isn’t a wholly accurate indication for appearing in voice search, but the overall opinion is that it still improves your odds against unsecured sites. When compared to other rankings used in voice search, a secured website has a better chance of appearing as a result.

    Write Short Answers

    We previously stressed the importance of simplistic answers, and this is directly related to ensuring you can answer queries in as few words as possible. Keep answers brief and to the point. The typical voice search result is only 29 words long.

    Approach your response with the same attitude as a featured snippet. Have your marketing team create content that’s voice-ready with featured voice snippets already written in. It’ll be easier for voice search to surface your answer as the result.

    Ensure Best SEO Practices

    An optimized website already includes solid SEO measures. Pages with site authority, natural language, security, and upkeep regarding reviews and responses increase your authority online. This combination of factors gives you expert status, making Google and other search engines more likely to trust what you have to say.

    A combination of these practices will leave your content prepared for voice search and can help you be the answer Google Home reads out.

    Mike Lieberman, CEO and Chief Revenue Scientist headshot
    CEO and Chief Revenue Scientist

    Mike Lieberman, CEO and Chief Revenue Scientist

    Mike is the CEO and Chief Revenue Scientist at Square 2. He is passionate about helping people turn their ordinary businesses into businesses people talk about. For more than 25 years, Mike has been working hand-in-hand with CEOs and marketing and sales executives to help them create strategic revenue growth plans, compelling marketing strategies and remarkable sales processes that shorten the sales cycle and increase close rates.

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