How Automation Can Make or Break Your Business
If you want to run a competitive business and ensure your company’s future success, then you need to start thinking about automation. That statement might seem like a big leap, but when you think about how many hours a week your staff wastes on administrative tasks, suddenly things are put in perspective. As it’s often said in business, time is money.
Your most successful competitors are those who have optimized their sales and marketing strategies to capture the attention of their niche audience at the right time, without fail. That optimization is afforded to them by automation. Your business needs to follow suit or else you risk losing your brand’s competitive edge.
Keep reading if you want to know exactly how automation can make or break your business.
Increased Efficiency
Think about how many times your sales and marketing teams’ schedules are bogged down with busywork throughout the week. Every minute spent on a manual admin task—like data entry, checking social media activity on multiple channels, lead nurturing, or prospecting—is a minute your competitors have spent building relationships and closing deals with clients. All of these tasks can be automated, so why are you performing them manually?
To put it another way, the less time you have to invest in your inbound marketing and sales strategy, the less time you have to target and close promising clients.
When you automate the admin tasks that take up the most time, your business’ productivity will soar and allow you to focus on impactful, strategic tasks.
Reduced Costs
Automation also helps you maximize your budget. There’s a misconception that automation, in the form of software tools and artificial intelligence, is costly. Sure, if but every single automated tool available, then it’s going to cost you.
You must learn how to choose the right marketing and sales enablement tools that will fit your business needs. These tools should include (at the very least):
- A Content Management System (CMS)
- Marketing Automation
- Client Relationship Management (CRM)
- Social Media Monitoring
- Prospecting Tools
- Email Tools
The above-mentioned tools will greatly improve your chances of targeting the right clients at the right time. The more busywork you can cut out of the equation, the more streamlined your daily operations will become. Not to mention, there are comprehensive platforms like HubSpot that can offer the majority of the tools you need.
Focus on Client Relationships
The less time you spend on non-revenue-generating tasks, the more time you have to focus on your client relationships, which is vital in today’s modern age.
Clients these days want to feel connected to the brands they engage with. When you’re spending all your time on admin tasks, you can unintentionally neglect your leads, prospects, and customers. With automation, you can get back to what matters.
Clients want the sales process to feel personalized and aligned with their wants and needs. When your business has more time and resources to be strategic about delivering on those wants and needs, you’re assured your clients’ attention.
Automation is all about allowing your business to grow without any of the usual hindrances to productivity! You’ll not only scale your business more effectively, but you’ll also regain your competitive edge and ensure stronger client relationships—all of which are critical today.

CEO and Chief Revenue Scientist
Mike Lieberman, CEO and Chief Revenue Scientist
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