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    07/25/2024 |

    Evaluating and Optimizing Your Website: A Marketer’s Playbook

    Imagine walking into a dimly lit store with messy aisles, cluttered inventory and team members nowhere to be found. Would you stick around to shop?

    Probably not.

    Think of your website as that store. It often acts as a first point of contact for potential customers and, just like a brick-and-mortar storefront, it needs to be inviting, functional and engaging.

    So, how do you make sure your site – and brand – aren’t just a forgettable internet experience? The answer lies in learning how to evaluate a website from a marketing perspective. 

    Identifying strengths, weaknesses and opportunities for growth provides the insights needed to turn your 24/7 digital “storefront” into an effective conversion tool. 

    If you’re curious to know how your website stacks up, keep reading.

    Branding and Visuals

    They say you never get to make a first impression twice, and with visitors deciding to stay or leave a page within seconds, it’s crucial. Your site sets the tone for your brand and future engagement, so here’s what to look for:

    • Visual Appeal: Is the design clean and true to your brand? Avoid overly busy imagery and make sure it reflects current trends.
    • Consistency: Is branding the same on every page? This includes everything from logo and font choices to color scheme and style of assets.
    • Professionalism: Does your site look reliable? Proper alignment and spacing, high-quality photos and a cohesive layout throughout are essential. 

    User Experience (UX)

    Smooth and intuitive navigation offers a great user experience that keeps people on the site longer. Are visitors encouraged to explore? Here are several points to use for evaluation:

    • Site Navigation: How easy is it to navigate your site? Menus should be obvious and logical.
    • Load Speed: How quickly does your site load? Use Google’s free dev tool, PageSpeed Insights, for a quick and easy check. 
    • Responsiveness: Can mobile devices access your site? A mobile-friendly design is a must as more users browse from their phones. 
    • Accessibility: Is your site accessible to people with disabilities? Consider features like alt text for images and screen reading compatibility.

    Quality Content

    It’s important to provide value to your visitors with engaging and informative content. Some factors to think about include:

    • Relevance: Does the target audience find the content relevant? Address their pain points, interests and needs.
    • Value: Is there real value to be gained? Content should educate, inform or entertain based on your buyer personas’ needs.
    • Clarity: Are you being clear and concise? Skip the jargon and buzzwords so that your messaging is easy to understand.
    • SEO: Is your content optimized for search engines? Use strategic keywords naturally, and make sure to include alt text, meta descriptions and internal links.  

    Lead Generation

    Your website should do more than attract visitors – it should help convert them into loyal customers. Evaluate your efforts by looking at:

    • Call-to-Actions (CTAs): Are they compelling, concise and strategically located? CTAs should unobtrusively guide people to a desired action, such as downloading an asset or scheduling a consultation.
    • Landing Pages: Are current pages optimized for conversions? Use focused, relevant content and a strong CTA.
    • Forms: Are your forms easy to complete? They should be short, simple and easy to find to reduce potential frustrations. 

    Social Proof

    Leverage reviews and testimonials to influence buying decisions. Evaluate your social proof usage:

    • Reviews and Testimonials: Are you using customer reviews? Build trust and credibility with site visitors by showcasing positive feedback.
    • Case Studies: Do you have any success stories? Spotlighting real results is a powerful persuasive tool.
    • Social Media: Are your socials integrated with your site? Encourage people to connect and engage with you on social platforms by incorporating media feeds and sharing buttons.

    Wrapping It Up: Your Roadmap to Website Success

    Learning how to effectively evaluate a website is imperative for creating and maintaining a strong online presence. Running through this article is a great way to review and optimize your site. Remember to regularly check for updates to stay ahead of the competition and meet customer needs.

    Mariah Birdsong headshot

    Mariah Birdsong

    Mariah Birdsong is a seasoned B2B/B2C copywriter who has a knack for transforming marketing objectives into strategic messaging that resonates with target audiences. Her creative flair and data-driven approach go hand-in-hand to deliver innovative solutions that elevate branding and accelerate business growth.

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