WWWR Ep9: 'You Don’t Have The Right Resources To Drive Revenue Growth'
This show aired LIVE on November 3, 2021. To watch the show on demand, click here.
In this episode of What’s Wrong With Revenue? we covered the importance of having the right resources and the right number of resources for revenue growth.
A lot of companies come to the table with insufficient resources to drive revenue. They’ve assigned marketing to their admin or their sales assistant. Maybe they hired a new college graduate to help with the marketing activities. Yet they have aggressive lead generation and growth goals. That misalignment is going to kill your chances of hitting your goals.
In some cases, companies have the wrong resources. They might have a copywriter and an email marketing specialist on their marketing team, but they want to create videos, improve SEO and optimize their website based on data found in HubSpot.
It’s possible the two marketing folks could up their game to deliver what’s expected, but they might have their hands full with content creation and an active email schedule, making it impossible for them to take on more tasks even if they were trained and skilled enough to handle the new marketing tactics.
Finally, it almost always comes down to money. If you have aggressive goals, you’ll need a rich marketing budget and a solid plan to invest in marketing over the long term. This means staffing the team correctly, bringing in outside resources to supplement the team, investing in campaign tactics like paid search or paid social, and buying the right software platform for marketing and sales to align around the company’s aggressive goals.
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CEO and Chief Revenue Scientist
Mike Lieberman, CEO and Chief Revenue Scientist
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