This show aired LIVE on October 20, 2021. To watch the show on demand, click here.
In this episode of What’s Wrong With Revenue? we covered how technology and an entirely new suite of tools make improving revenue easier, more efficient and much more data-driven.
We talked about marketing automation, CRM for the sales team and even customer service software that helps your customers feel better about their experience with your company.
We talked about how technology helps give salespeople a new context for what a prospect is looking for long before they even speak to a rep. We looked at lead scoring and how it helps reps prioritize their follow-up, making them more efficient. We even unlocked how some companies are now generating more revenue with fewer reps due to this new technology.
The bottom line is you can’t fix revenue if you don’t have the right tools, and in this episode, we covered all the tools and what you need to do next to start using them.
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