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    06/29/2022 |

    WWWR Ep 37: You Don’t Have The Right Set Of Outside Experts

    This show aired LIVE on June 1. To watch the show on demand, visit the show page here. To see all our audio and video content, check out our new free streaming service, Square 2+.

    In this episode of What’s Wrong With Revenue? we covered a rarely talked about topic outside experts. We talked about why you need them, when to use them, how to find them and what engagement options present themselves with outside experts.

    Since our show focuses on everything that could be preventing you from hitting your revenue goals, we wanted to introduce the idea that your company might not have the expertise in-house to grow revenue.

    Outside experts are an excellent option to gain that expertise and upgrade skill sets throughout your company.

    There are so many options for applying outside expertise. Consultants, agencies, coaches and even hiring for expertise might be just the ticket to get you thinking differently and delivering new, creative options to drive revenue.

    Some of the best ideas come from the outside. During the show, we’re encouraging you to consider looking for these outside options when you get stuck, as opposed to continuing to spin your wheels and thinking you’re going to magically fix the issue when you haven’t been able to do so in the past.

    If you’d like to subscribe to the show, we’ll send you reminders and email you a link to the show after each live show just click here. If you’d like to submit a question to the show, we answer questions every week just click here.

    If you want to watch the show and all the other audio and video content published by Square 2, visit our new Square 2+ page. It’s full of valuable content related to marketing, sales, technology, revenue growth and more.

    Mike Lieberman, CEO and Chief Revenue Scientist headshot
    CEO and Chief Revenue Scientist

    Mike Lieberman, CEO and Chief Revenue Scientist

    Mike is the CEO and Chief Revenue Scientist at Square 2. He is passionate about helping people turn their ordinary businesses into businesses people talk about. For more than 25 years, Mike has been working hand-in-hand with CEOs and marketing and sales executives to help them create strategic revenue growth plans, compelling marketing strategies and remarkable sales processes that shorten the sales cycle and increase close rates.

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