Building a Sales Team? How to Easily Implement CRM
If you’re trying to build a high-performance sales team, the first thing you’ll want to consider is how you’ll implement CRM like HubSpot.
Bringing in new technology that will benefit your business is exciting. Unfortunately, in many cases, implementation of the technology is an afterthought, and this is a mistake. Adopting new software can be tricky enough, especially if you don’t follow some key steps designed to make the process easier.
For your reps to succeed, they need to be equipped with the right tools and they need to know how to use them. Keep reading for tips on how you can easily implement CRM when building your sales team.
Step One: Make a Plan
Before you throw your team a curveball, take the time to make a plan.
Have a clear understanding of the objectives and outcomes you expect from this integration. Why are you adopting CRM in the first place? What sales metrics are you anticipating improvements from? Answering the big questions will help you establish what you want to accomplish and how you’re going to get there.
Second, using the list of goals and implementation tasks you have created, do your best to make a timeline. Write down everything that must happen in order to reach your objectives and map it out in stages. This tactic will help you adopt the new software but not spend endless weeks doing so.
Step Two: Keep Your Team Updated
Now that you have a plan in mind, it’s time to update your sales team. Remember, building a top-performing sales team requires the right tools, but keeping them in the loop is just as vital. It’s important to highlight all the benefits of implementing CRM at this time; otherwise. you run the risk of having team members who aren’t on board with the plan.
Share your vision of how CRM will improve your sales team’s daily tasks. Let them know it’ll take tedious tasks off their hands, help them gain more time, and help them focus on selling. Once everyone is on the same page, it will be a lot easier to make the implementation process run smoothly.
It’s also important to note that this would be the best time to ask if any employees have questions or concerns. Of course, they’re going to have some questions, so do your best to provide them with the right answers. If you don’t know, make sure you find the right answer. Before any jobs get delegated, everyone needs to know what’s going on and how things will work.
Step Three: Delegate Tasks and Learn
This is the hard part—delegating implementation tasks as outlined in your timeline and training your team on the software. It’s a big mountain to climb…
First on deck, it’s important to begin assigning tasks. This will help keep your timeline on schedule, help build an understanding of the process, and make everyone feel like they have a part in this new venture.
Next, you’ll want to dedicate time and resources to train your sales team on how to use the CRM. This is the most important step. They will need a basic understanding of the software, they will need to know how to customize it, and they will need to know how to use it to its full potential. Whether it’s with a book, a workshop, or an online guide, make sure you allow each member of your sales team the time to learn.
While implementing new software can be tough, don’t give up. Following these basic first steps is a great way to build your sales team and make the implementation process a success.

CEO and Chief Revenue Scientist
Mike Lieberman, CEO and Chief Revenue Scientist
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