A Thank-You Note...To Clients, Team Members And Partners
I recently had the pleasure of watching “A Beautiful Day in the Neighborhood,” the movie based on the true story of the friendship between Fred Rogers and journalist Tom Junod.
What struck me the most was Mr. Rogers and the way he thoughtfully navigated the world, specifically his very attentive interactions with the people he met.
He generally seemed thankful for everyone he met and every interaction.
At this time of year, I like to take a beat and be thankful.
I’m thankful for the clients we’ve had the pleasure of working with this year, the clients we’ve been able to help and who have seen their businesses grow, and the clients who have worked with us and moved on to continue their work on their own.
Even the clients who we have not been able to help (as much as we’d have liked to), I’m thankful for what we learned in those engagements. Those experiences have made us a better firm.
I’m thankful for the team members at Square 2. While the team at Square 2 is smaller than it has been in the past, we’ve become more efficient and much more effective. We’ve gotten smarter at who we hire, and the result is an average tenure in the existing team of almost four years.
In an industry where the average stay at an agency is 18 months, I am very proud of who we have on the team today and how they contribute to client success and our agency success.
I’m also thankful for the innovation the team has put forth this year. They’ve broken down some old paradigms around the agency engagement and produced a much more exciting, data-driven and results-focused engagement for our clients, who are outwardly vocal about their experiences with us.
I’m thankful for our partners who help us help our clients. We have a more comprehensive portfolio of partners, and we’re committed to continuing to work with more technology and supporting services companies to help our clients improve the performance of their marketing, sales and customer service.
The upcoming year is going to be an interesting one for Square 2. We’ve decided to undertake an aggressive approach in 2020, one that is aspirational to say the least.
We’re going to do everything in our power to create an agency that people LOVE, our clients LOVE, our team members LOVE and our partners LOVE.
This is a lofty goal. Everything we do in 2020 is going to have one focus: Will it help people LOVE this agency?
Will they love our engagement? Will they love our team? Will they love our pricing? Will they love our agreement? Will they love our website? Will they love partnering with us? Do they love the results? If the answer isn’t YES, we have more work to do.
I wish everyone a wonderful Thanksgiving. Enjoy your food, your family and your friends.
Mike Lieberman and your Square 2 Team

CEO and Chief Revenue Scientist
Mike Lieberman, CEO and Chief Revenue Scientist
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