A Growth Agency Keeps You Accountable For Hitting Revenue Goals
Trying To Grow Your Company Is Hard If You’re On Your Own
The Association for Talent Development (ATD) did a study on accountability and found that if you commit to someone, you have a 65% chance of completing a goal. If you have a specific accountability appointment with the person you’ve committed to, your chance of success increases to 95%.
When it comes to revenue generation, shifting from doing it yourself to working with an agency often can be the difference between success and failure.
It’s not for lack of effort or even investment. Sometimes you just need to work with other people to gain from their experience, skip some of the inevitable potholes on the journey and find those fast tracks that others have used to produce better results quicker.
Here’s how working with an agency partner helps you get to your goals faster.
A Trainer Can Help You Get Better Results
When you go to the gym, you’re usually going to get better results if you work with a trainer.
We all know that when we’re on our own, we leave early, don’t go as frequently as we should, use the machines incorrectly, don’t do the exercises in the right order and don’t do them for as long as we should.
But when we hire a trainer, we show up on time and spend the entire hour with them (in fact, we get upset when the trainer doesn’t spend the entire time with us). They push us to do extra reps, train us on how to use the machines and show us new moves that help us get results. Ultimately, they hold us accountable.
It’s harder work, but we get the results we’re paying for. It works the same way when you bring in an agency to help you. The people at the agency might ask you to do things you’ve never done before, and they might ask you to attend meetings, approve work and trust their process.
If you do, it’s likely you’ll get better results, just like at the gym.
A Bigger Team Often Means More Experiences, Better Ideas And Better Executions
Whether you have one marketing person, half a marketing person (meaning they do marketing part time in addition to their other duties) or a 10-person marketing team, an agency can bring a lot more brain power to your company’s revenue generation effort.
An agency is also going to bring more experiences. While your team might know your company and the few other companies they worked at previously, an agency team is going to have experiences working with many more companies and executing many more campaigns. From that experience comes knowledge that can be applied to your execution.
This means faster builds, better designed campaigns and much better results. It’s like hiring someone who has done something 1,000 times instead of just 10 times.
Marketing today is so complex that you need someone with expertise in search, paid search, social, paid social, web, conversion, UI/UX, email marketing, influencer marketing, video marketing, and on and on.
Each of these tactics is becoming a discipline on its own. It’s impossible to hire people with expertise in all of these areas (or even just a few of these areas) if you only have one or two marketing people.
An agency brings expertise in all of these areas, and you only have to pay for them when you use that expertise. It’s the most efficient and cost-effective way to plan, build and grow your marketing and sales programs.
A Proven Methodology Outperforms Trial And Error
If you’re still not sure revenue generation is complex, read our blog article from yesterday. Because of the complexity, it’s harder and harder to figure out what to do, when to do it and how to do it on your own.
It’s best to bring in a team with a designed methodology that makes sense of the complexity associated with strategy and planning, tactics, tools, metrics and optimization.
This is going to cut the learning curve dramatically. For example, you’re realizing you have a highly visited landing page but a low conversion rate. What do you do? Instead of guessing, or trying a couple of options, wouldn’t it be better to know what changes will produce the most lift and start with those?
That’s where experience pays off. Instead of waiting a month to see results from four tests, you can see results in the first week.
Fill Gaps Within Your Existing Team
Maybe you have a bigger team (10 people or more), but your team doesn’t have expertise in some marketing, sales and customer service tactics, such as lead scoring, advocacy marketing program setup or user interface design.
You can send your team to training, but when your team members come back, they will be learning at your expense. You can have them do research for best practices and apply them, but those might not work for your company, your industry or your prospects.
Or you can work with an agency that already has the skills, experience, methodology and proven results to step in and help you out of the gate. The agency can even teach your team along the way, but you get the results, you get the training and you get the benefit of having your program upgraded immediately.
After that one project is completed, you can go back to working in-house or identify the next project that needs tackling and leverage the agency in the same way.
We regularly work with our bigger demand generation clients on a single project for three or four months, and then we transition into another project, working like that for years.
Knowing What To Do And Why
Just like working out at the gym, there are so many ways to get in shape, build muscle and lose weight. You have machines, classes, treadmills, ellipticals and free weights. You can do it on your own, take classes or work out with a trainer. It’s so hard to figure it out, do it and see results.
Why do you think it’s a multi-billion-dollar industry? People give up, they stray from the program, they go back to bad habits and they tell themselves they can do it on their own — but they can’t. We all know that.
If you really want to generate more leads, if you really want to increase the number of sales opportunities and if you really want to close more new customers faster, you might not be able to do it on your own.
If growing your company is your top priority, then getting someone to help you know what to do, when to do it and how to do it might be your only option. Having someone (or a company) hold you accountable for your part might be your only option. Working with a team of experienced professionals who have done this over and over again for companies just like yours is probably your only option.
Doing the same things repeatedly and expecting different results is never going to work. It’s time to try a different approach. It’s time to start working with the experts.
Square 2 Marketing – Revenue Is Earned Through Experience, Methodology And Insights!

CEO and Chief Revenue Scientist
Mike Lieberman, CEO and Chief Revenue Scientist
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