7 New HubSpot APIs That Are Now Available
HubSpot is well-known in the business world as an all-in-one platform for your marketing and sales needs. You can manage your marketing, sales, and service via HubSpot, eliminating the need for using several third-party solutions that might not work well in tandem with each other. That’s why the new integrative HubSpot APIs are so important in furthering the impact of having access to a versatile developer platform.
As of early May, seven APIs have gone live and are available to all HubSpot users. Curious about what exactly each API can do for your business management? Then check out below for an informative roundup of the new APIs and their features. These tools were made for the business that is keen to adapt to the new way customers buy.
1. Analytics API
Businesses of all sizes are recognizing they’re only just beginning to truly harness the power of analytics. Becoming adept at discovering new trends and prospective clients, as well as being more capable of visualizing, collaborating, and modelling data, affords businesses new resources to leverage for more growth.
HubSpot’s Analytics API gives your business the ability to pull HubSpot data into separate reporting systems to inform your decision-making process. This API is the driving force behind HubSpot’s traffic analytics tools, made public for the first time.
2. Ecommerce Bridge API
The Ecommerce Bridge API takes full advantage of HubSpot’s new native integration with Shopify, one of the web’s most competitive ecommerce platforms. This API lets your company automate the syncing of ecommerce data into HubSpot, including applying property mappings, validating incoming data against client-specific set-ups, and applying changes appropriately.
The Ecommerce Bridge will also integrate with third-party platforms other than Shopify.
3. Line Item API
This API is important for the linking of products and specific information about the sale of a product to your business’s deals within HubSpot, like information such as quantity or price of an ordered product, for example. This is a small yet significant update to HubSpot’s APIs, which works in concert with the next API.
4. CRM Object Properties API
Any HubSpot object can have a custom property to store whatever information you may need because of this CRM Object Properties API. The API lets you manage custom properties and view the details for any default properties built into HubSpot’s platform for deals, contacts, tickets, or products.
5. Tickets API
Tickets on HubSpot represent a client request for service, as well as your response to that request. The API associated with this process allows you to generate new tickets and edit existing tickets within HubSpot, streamlining your customer service. This API is available because of HubSpot’s launch of Service Hub, its customer service software designed to automate and optimize the connection and feedback cycle with clients.
6. Products API
Like the Line Item API, the power of the products API (which handles all your business’s goods and services) is its integration with other new APIs. Products are one of the core CRM objects within HubSpot because of how well they are supported by native Shopify integration offered via the Bridge API. The Products API can be used to create and manage your business products within HubSpot.
7. Associations API
This last of the new roundup of APIs could be perhaps one of the most essential ones for making the most of all the other APIs’ features. As mentioned above, these new APIs increase HubSpot’s impact because they are integrative.
Associations allow you to manage the relationships between all the new APIs, such as the relationship between contacts, companies, and deals. When contacts become part of your client base, the Associations API can also connect tickets to a client’s record as well.
With these seven APIs, you can get the most out of HubSpot.

CEO and Chief Revenue Scientist
Mike Lieberman, CEO and Chief Revenue Scientist
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