5 Tips for Introverts Who Want to Succeed in Sales
For those on the shy side, don’t underestimate your selling power. Here are five tips introverts can use to build a successful sales career.
1. Say Hi!
It’s highly unlikely that a day filled with interactions with strangers is your ideal activity, but forcing yourself to be a little more engaging in daily interactions can make those weekdays easier. The simple act of saying hi to everyone you meet with will slowly build your confidence and make the process of talking to strangers at meetings less intimidating.
2. Complete the Dreaded Tasks First
The best way to tackle your least favourite tasks is to complete them first. When’s the best time? It’s right in the morning, just when your day is getting started. Don’t fill your morning with busywork. Making the dreaded calls, sending emails, and engaging in social selling are vital to professional selling—it’s a crucial part of the job.
Once you’ve started completing these tasks, you’ll quickly find your groove, feeling much more comfortable getting them done instead of spending all day thinking about completing them. If it helps, surround yourself with outgoing coworkers while you’re making calls to give yourself a confidence boost. After you’re done all your calls and emails, you can get back to your administrative tasks and relax knowing the important duties were taken care of.
3. Take Breaks as Needed
Extroverts have an endless amount of energy—this works for them. For introverts, taking a break between meetings is necessary to recharge and practice what you need to say before your next one. It’s okay to take it. It makes you a more effective seller in the long run.
Seminars, social engagements, and conventions make for longer work days, requiring a lot of networking. However, it’s important to attend these events to meet new people and generate new leads. Come with questions prepared—both personal and business—to keep the conversation going, but step away when you need to recharge before meeting the next person. Introverts enjoy their alone time. Give yourself the space you need to maximize your results and avoid running out of energy.
4. Entertain One-on-One
Entertaining in front of a large group isn’t your idea of a good time. Scheduling intimate sales calls gives you a unique selling advantage. Whenever possible, speak individually with prospects and set up one-on-one appointments as often as you can. You’ll no doubt feel more comfortable, and you’ll have a better time connecting with leads.
You’re already more comfortable in this environment. When you leverage your listening skills, you’ll find the entire process less daunting than if you were pitching to a large crowd. You may have to sell to big crowds at some point, but if you can do most of your work in smaller meetings, you’ll find you have a better time selling to strangers.
5. Don’t Be Someone You’re Not
You’re not an extrovert, and that’s okay. You bring other skills to the table, and those skills are just as valuable. Mimicking extroverts is not a practical strategy. You know those characteristics aren’t true to your personality.
Stick to who you are and use your refined talents to the best of your abilities. You’ll find greater success with this tactic. It’s not about tricking yourself into being someone else. Use your own tools and strengths to communicate with leads in a way you’re comfortable with.
Introverts have their own strengths, from listening skills to critical thinking. When you capitalize on these, in combination with the tips above, you’ll quickly discover that selling isn’t just for the extroverts. For more help, here are seven sales training techniques you need to know about.

CEO and Chief Revenue Scientist
Mike Lieberman, CEO and Chief Revenue Scientist
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